Procurement of Consultancy Services for Individual/Firm to Provide Construction Supervision Services for The Construction of 5 Modern Diagnostic Centers at selected Hospitals in Busoga sub region to Support NCD care

Subject of Procurement:
Construction Supervision Services for The Upcoming Project at The Smart Africa Development Consortium/SADO.
Procurement Reference Number:
Date of Issue:
March 5, 2025


  1. This Standard Request for Proposals (RFP) document has been prepared by the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA) for use by Procuring and Disposing Entities (PDEs) for the procurement of Consultancy Services. The procedures and practices presented in this RFP have been developed to reflect the requirements of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act, 2003 and the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets, Regulations 2014 and best international procurement practices.
  2. This RFP is suitable for use for procurement of consultancy services without publication of a notice of expression of interest. The RFP may also be used to invite single or sole source consultants with appropriate modifications to the document.
  3. This RFP can be used with the different selection methods described in the PPDA Regulations namely, quality and cost-based selection (QCBS), quality-based selection (QBS), fixed budget selection (FBS), least cost selection (LCS) and consultants’ qualification selection (CQS). The User Guide to this RFP further elaborates on how to use these methods of evaluation in the RFP.
  4. Before using this RFP, the user should be familiar with the PPDA Act, 2003 and Regulations, 2014 and should read the User Guide to this RFP which has been prepared to provide guidance on the correct use of the Standard Request for Proposals (RFP) for Consultancy Services as a model for preparing an individual Request for Proposals.
    PPDA welcomes any feedback or comments from the users of this RFP which will assist in improving this document.
    The Executive Director,
    Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority
    P.O. Box 3925,KAMPALA.
Terms_of_Reference(ToR)_Financial Management System(FMS)
Data Officer
Field Officer
Meal Manager
Bio-Medical Engineer
Terms of Reference for a Community Linkage and systems support.
Terms of Reference for a Technical Officer Capacity Building and systems.
TOR for Regional Project Coordinator
Project Medical Officer
Procurement Officer
Grant Officer
Grant Manager
Office Receptionist
Project Driver
Transport And Logistics.
Project IT Officer
Project Nurses and Midwives
Social Behavior Change Communication(SBCC)
Technical Officer, Gender and Youth Affairs